还记得几个月前在美国全国广播公司(NBC)的《小小达人秀》(Little Big Shots)上萌翻全场的中国钢琴神童陈安可么?
不久前,6岁的陈安可又参加澳大利亚《小小达人秀》节目,用一曲《野蜂飞舞》(Flight of the Bumblebee)惊艳四座。
Meet the next Mozart, our Little Big Shot Anke, a 6-year-old piano virtuoso. Having previously appeared alongside Steve Harvey on the US Little Big Shots, she now joins Shane in an adorable interview.
She wouldn't be able to see over the piano.4岁连琴都看不全诶。
We've had some wonderful pianists on the show, but this little star takes music to a whole new level of genius. We've never seen anything like her before in the histroy of Little Big Shots. We discovered her in China and we brought her to the USA. Please welcome Anke.我们的节目迎来了许多了不起的钢琴家,但今天这个小明星将音乐推到了一个新的天才高度。《小小达人秀》的历史上从来没有见过像她这样的天才。我们在中国挖掘到她,并带到美国。请大家欢迎安可!
Anke’s dynamics are all over the map from mezzo-piano to fortissimo while playing a Baroque Scarlatti piece intended for a harpsichord, but she just so darn cute I think we can let it slide in this case.这本是斯卡拉蒂一首为拨弦古钢琴创作的巴洛克风格曲子,然而安可精力旺盛的演奏,从中弱到极强,毫无章法地放飞自我,可是谁让她这么可爱呢,我们就不追究了。